September 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends, We are happy and excited to introduce you to the Kuwaa Mission’s new Chief Operation Officer (COO), The Rev. Dr.  Daniel Jensen Seyenkulo. Rev. Seyenkulo is an ordained pastor of the Lutheran Church in Liberia, a church he recently served as presiding Bishop for ten years. He is currently retired and splitting his time between his wife, their farm, and the Kuwaa People in the remotest part of Liberia, West Africa. Jensen, as he prefers to be called, is a Kuwaa man himself. He is one of the founding members of this fourteen-year-old ministry called the Kuwaa Mission. Jensen, as he prefers to be called, is a Kuwaa man himself. He is one of the founding members of this fourteen-year-old ministry called the Kuwaa Mission. The Kuwaa Mission came into being when the late Rev. Dr. Richard Thompson, a former Lutheran Bible Translators (LTB) missionary to the Kuwaa people, placed a call to Jensen suggesting they brainstorm about ways they could help their people, the Kuwaa People, put their lives back together after the civil crisis that had brought so much devastation and grief to the entire nation of Liberia. Jensen, who the same civil crisis had displaced, lived in Chicago with his family at the time. The two men agreed they would bring other like-minded people in on the plan. Those that came to mind were Ed and Diane Stelling and the late Rev. Chris Kowula, a Kuwaa pastor. After a series of exchange visits between the two men in Chicago, Illinois, and Anchorage, Alaska, the Mission was born! Jensen comes to the Mission with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He earned his postgraduate degree in New Testament Studies at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 1999, served the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as parish pastor for twelve years, and as a program director at the ELCA Central Offices for six years. He returned home to Liberia in 2012 at the invitation of the Lutheran Church in Liberia to serve as its presiding Bishop. Jensen retired as Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Liberia in April 2022 and is now available to serve the Kuwaa people through the Kuwaa Mission. We thank God for adding another pair of hands to this unique ministry! Welcome, Jensen! We thank our friends for the prayers and other forms of support that make the addition of Jensen possible. Prayer: God, we thank you for this pair of hands you brought back to serve your people. We ask that you would grant him wisdom, knowledge, and your spirit of discernment for the work ahead. Amen!

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Kuwaa Mission, PO Box 90513, Anchorage, AK 99509                          Facebook: Kuwaa-Mission

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